Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

1 What is TRUE Self-Love?

Self-Love is the act of making friends with oneself.


Showing oneself kindness and compassion, listening to that inner voice of wisdom over the loud noise of the mind.


It’s a minute-by-minute, day-by-day practice of accepting ourself - showing ourself unconditional love - regardless of our actions or behaviours or current life circumstances.


On today’s episode of I Love Me with Tamra Mercieca, we explore what TRUE self-love is. And how you can start to invite more of it into your life.


Check out the full episode show notes:


About me…


My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20-odd years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the layers of conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.


While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen modalities. I am the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.


Personally, my journey into the self-love arena began, when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same.


If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to




Self-Love Starter’s Kit:


Getting Naked online school:










Comments (1)

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Loved your self love podcast Tamra! It is a great reminder to my self!!! Thank you I look forward to more episodes 💕🦋🤗 Sal

Friday Feb 09, 2024

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