I Love Me with Tamra Mercieca

I Love Me The Podcast is an invitation to learn how to love yourself, and then deepen that love for yourself a little more each day. In each episode Tamra Mercieca will offer you practical, down-to-earth ideas, and easy real-life ways of helping you cultivate a healthy, loving relationship with you. You’ll learn how to expand your acceptance and respect for yourself - through short, simple lessons, teachings and practices - so this love can blossom into all corners of your gorgeous life. As Oscar Wilde once wrote: ‘To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance.’ So if you’ve ever wondered how to tackle this whole self-love thing, amid all the busy distractions of being human, let I Love Me The Podcast guide you home. For more self-loving resources, visit Tamra’s online school: www.gettingnaked.com.au to learn how to strip off the layers of conditioning so you can fall in love with you.

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Wednesday Jun 26, 2024

How full is your self-love tank? Is it running on empty, where you feel like you’re constantly on the verge of breaking down? Or do you know how to say Yes to yourself - how to make yourself a priority?
When we’re willing to give to ourself first, our love tank overflows, and only then can we truely give to those around us.
In today’s episode on I Love Me The Podcast, we explore why it’s absolutely essential that YOU, are at the top of your priority list.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.3 Fill yourself up with love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/21/ep-3-fill-yourself-up-with-love-your-go-to-self-love-tool/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024

Journaling is a beautiful, and ridiculously cheap way of processing challenges and traumas, and simply making sense of life.
I consider journaling like emptying out the mind-trash that drains our energy, keeps us in an anxious state and stops us from being able to sleep at night. Because that’s essentially what it is.  You get a pen and blank journal and you write.  And then write some more.
In today’s episode on I Love Me The Podcast, I share why journaling has been such a big part of my life, why you might like to invite it into your life… and tips and tools to get the most out of your journalling practice.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Remarkable Relationships https://gettingnaked.com.au/remarkable-relationships/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/

19 Your purpose is being YOU!

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024

At some point in life, there comes a time when we feel the need to discover our purpose. And at this time, we may start to ask ourselves deep questions like:
What am I here for?
What is the meaning of life?
How do I be true to who I am?
And in these questions lies the answer…
I am here to be me. I am here to get to know myself, and express myself, as I am internally called. For your true one purpose in life, is to be YOU! Completely and unapologetically YOU.
Today on I Love Me The Podcast we explore what it looks and feels like to live your purpose.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep. 4 Meet your True Self. A journey to authenticity. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/28/ep-4-meet-your-true-self-a-journey-to-authenticity/
Ep. 2 Programmed for love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/14/e2-programmed-for-love/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024

What if you knew you couldn’t fail? How would that change the way you behave, the decisions you make, the way of you treat people, and how you show up in life?
Today on I Love Me The Podcast, we learn how failing is a myth, and how our so-called ‘mistakes’ are actually learning experiences in disguise.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Book: Getting Naked The Dating Game https://gettingnaked.com.au/getting-naked-the-dating-game/
Book: The Upside of Down: A personal journey and toolkit for overcoming depression https://gettingnaked.com.au/the-upside-of-down/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/

Wednesday May 29, 2024

We all like to feel comfy, right? It can give us a sense of safety and predictability. But what happens if the place we feel comfy, isn’t serving us?
What if that comfortable feeling we get from doing the same things we’ve always done, is actually holding us back? Getting in the way of our dreams. Halting our growth. And in doing so, minimising our ability to love ourself.
Today on I Love Me The Podcast I’ll be sharing the one thing you need to know, so you feel comfortable moving out of your comfort zone.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.10 And this is why we self-sabotage… https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/04/10/ep-10-and-this-is-why-we-self-sabotage/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Did you know that prior to menopause a woman’s womb cleanses itself once a month? You may know this as a woman’s ‘period’.
Problem is, most of us ladies have learnt to adopt habits and behaviours that get in the way of this all-important ‘womb cleanse’. And when a womb doesn’t get the chance to cleanse itself regularly, we create a breeding ground for menstrual difficulties and gynaecological issues… some serious…
Today on I Love Me The Podcast, I’ll be sharing how your womb cleanses itself, and what you may be doing that could be getting in the way of that cleanse. By the end of this episode you’ll have the awareness and insights you need to start cleaning up your pelvis, so you can experience more easeful periods and vibrant pelvic health.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep. 5 Take a monthly self-care vacation. Menstruate. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/03/06/menstruation/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/

Wednesday May 15, 2024

Being vulnerable, for most of us, is scary. It can quite literally petrify the knickers off us, for fear of being attacked or ridiculed. But the truth is, without being vulnerable, we limit the depth of our relationships. Our relationship with others, as well as our relationship with ourself.
Being willing to sit with ourself and love ourself in our most vulnerable moments… that takes courage. But when we’re willing to do so, we open the door to a whole new level of self-love. And when we’re willing to get vulnerable with another person, it gives the other person a chance to hold space for us, to show their unconditional love for us, and in doing so, build trust and communication so we can enjoy a far deeper bond.
Today on I Love Me the Podcast, we’ll be talking about this all important V-word… vulnerability. And how vulnerability is our superpower when it comes to establishing long lasting, meaningful relationships.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.1 What is TRUE self-love? https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/07/what-is-true-self-love/
Ep.7 Use your relationship to grow your self-love. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/03/20/ep-7-use-your-relationships-to-grow-your-self-love/
Ep.2 Programmed for Love. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/14/e2-programmed-for-love/
Ep.14 Feelings. Fall in love with feeling yourself. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/05/08/ep-14-feelings-fall-in-love-with-feeling-yourself/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/

Wednesday May 08, 2024

In order to heal ourself, we need to feel ourself. And when I say feel ourself, I mean actually be with ourself long enough to feel our feelings and emotions.
Because we all have them. Feelings and emotions are part of the human experience. And when we make friends with how we truely feel, when we let ourself feel our emotions… only then we can release them.
Today on I Love Me The Podcast, I’ll share how repressing our emotions can make us mentally and physically unwell, and then I’ll offer you a way of unpacking your old emotions, so you can learn how to process your feelings in the present moment.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
One-on-One Intensive https://gettingnaked.com.au/intensive/
Ep.2 Programmed for love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/14/e2-programmed-for-love/
Ep.6 Powerless to powerful: The gift of anger. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/03/13/ep-6-powerless-to-powerful-the-gift-of-anger/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/

Wednesday May 01, 2024

You know those pesky thoughts that play on repeat making you feel bad about yourself… The ones that bring down your self-love, self-worth and self-respect…
Well… you don’t have to have those thoughts playing on repeat anymore. In fact, you can become a self-talk editor, and choose the thoughts the have. Yes, you can edit out your negative self-talk, and today on I Love Me The Podcast, I teach you how!
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep. 2 Programmed for love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/14/e2-programmed-for-love/
Remarkable Relationships 3-month online program https://gettingnaked.com.au/remarkable-relationships/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

OK, so I have a confession to make: I am a total romantic. I am in love with love stories.  Real life love stories. So it’ll come as no surprise that in my 20s, one of the big things on my mind, was meeting my Prince, and living happily ever after.
But let’s just say by the time I hit 30, I wasn’t having much luck with men. In fact, after dating non-stop for many years, I was still kissing toads, and starting to lose faith. That’s when I knew I needed a new approach. That’s when I needed to try something radically different. That’s when I decided to start dating ME!
Today on I Love Me the Podcast, I’ll share how dating ‘myself’ invited me into a new way of loving myself. A new way of accepting myself. And a new way of being with myself. A way that, for the first time in my life, allowed me to feel whole and complete, just as I am. And how it was ‘dating’ myself, that led to my Prince.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep. 7 Use your relationships to grow your self-love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/03/20/ep-7-use-your-relationships-to-grow-your-self-love/
2015 Talk on dating myself, can be found at this link: https://gettingnaked.com.au/2015/05/09/date-yourself-the-answer-to-inner-peace-and-happiness/
Remarkable Relationships 3-month online program https://gettingnaked.com.au/remarkable-relationships/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/


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