I Love Me with Tamra Mercieca
I Love Me The Podcast is an invitation to learn how to love yourself, and then deepen that love for yourself a little more each day. In each episode Tamra Mercieca will offer you practical, down-to-earth ideas, and easy real-life ways of helping you cultivate a healthy, loving relationship with you. You’ll learn how to expand your acceptance and respect for yourself - through short, simple lessons, teachings and practices - so this love can blossom into all corners of your gorgeous life. As Oscar Wilde once wrote: ‘To love oneself is the beginning of a life long romance.’ So if you’ve ever wondered how to tackle this whole self-love thing, amid all the busy distractions of being human, let I Love Me The Podcast guide you home. For more self-loving resources, visit Tamra’s online school: www.gettingnaked.com.au to learn how to strip off the layers of conditioning so you can fall in love with you.

4 days ago
4 days ago
When was the last time you actually paid attention to your breath? Like really noticed it? If your answer is ‘Ummm… breathing is automatic, isn’t it?’ then this episode is for you.
While our autonomic nervous system does take care of breathing for us, so we don’t die, we can consciously use our breath to balance our emotions, boost our energy and even calm our mind so we can enjoy a restful night’s sleep.
Yes, our breath is that powerful! We simply need to know how to use it, so it can support us in living with more ease. That’s why today on I Love Me The Podcast, I’ll be teaching you my Balancing Breath Practice, and how to take that practice out into everyday life.
So whenever you’re scattered, stressed or overwhelmed… If you’re feeling flat or low on energy… You can use this simple, yet highly effective breath practice to re-centre, re-align, and bring your left and right brain back into blissful harmony.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.2 Programmed for love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/14/e2-programmed-for-love/
Ep.4 Meet your True Self. A journey to authenticity. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/28/ep-4-meet-your-true-self-a-journey-to-authenticity/
Sexual Self Course https://gettingnaked.com.au/sexual-self/
Yoga for the Vagina program: https://yogaforthevagina.com/
Just One Tree https://www.justonetree.life/ A percentage of profits from all programs sold go to the not-for-profit organisation Just One Tree, so they can plant trees on our behalf.

Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
Here in the Southern Hemisphere the air’s getting crisper, the leaves are changing colour, and our Lungs… well.. they need a little extra TLC right about now. Why?
Because in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Autumn is ‘Lung season’, meaning these precious air-breathing, life-giving organs are at their most vulnerable. And if our Lungs are not healthy and strong, this is the time we’ll fall prey to those coughs and colds that keep us buried in a mountain of tissues.
That’s why today on I Love Me The Podcast we’ll be looking at simple ways we can nourish and support our Lungs.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.20 Journaling. The cheapest therapy around. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/06/19/ep-20-journaling-the-cheapest-therapy-around/
Ep.31 Get rid of anxiety in 2-minutes flat! https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/10/02/ep-31-get-rid-of-anxiety-in-2-minutes-flat/
Ep.37 Let food by thy self-loving medicine. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/11/12/ep-37-let-food-be-thy-self-loving-medicine/
Ep.41 Chasing care around your head? Let’s meditate. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/12/11/ep-41-chasing-cars-around-your-head-lets-meditate/
Ep.45 Self-massage. The healing power of loving touch. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2025/02/26/ep45-self-massage-the-healing-power-of-loving-touch/
Ep.47 Grief, love and letting go: The hidden wisdom of Sadness. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2025/03/12/ep-47-grief-love-and-letting-go-the-hidden-wisdom-of-sadness/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit (and to join the mailing list): https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Just One Tree https://www.justonetree.life/ A percentage of profits from all programs sold go to the not-for-profit organisation Just One Tree, so they can plant trees on our behalf.
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Music written by Tamra Mercieca and Grey Milton. Performed by Xani Kolac and Grey Milton.

Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
Wednesday Mar 12, 2025
While many of us like to run and hide from big, heavy emotions, I believe every emotion has a seat at the table. Yes, even the messy tear-filled ones, like Sadness and even Grief.
While they may show up at the party uninvited, eat all the snacks and refuse to leave, Sadness and Grief aren’t just here to make us miserable. No, these two emotions show up to offer us some wise lessons about life, love and relationships.
While Sadness and especially Grief can feel like they’re quite literally squeezing the life out of our heart, they’re not here to break us, but to make us stronger. To show us where we’ve attached meaning to something or someone. To help us see where we might be holding on a little too tightly.
That’s why today on I Love Me The Podcast we’re diving into the purpose of Sadness and Grief; why they show up, what they’re trying to teach us, and most importantly, how we can move through them with love and compassion.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.3 Fill yourself up with love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/21/ep-3-fill-yourself-up-with-love-your-go-to-self-love-tool/
Ep.14 Feelings. Fall in love with feeling yourself. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/05/08/ep-14-feelings-fall-in-love-with-feeling-yourself/
Ep.32 Bye bye blues. My journey out of depression… https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/10/09/ep-32-bye-bye-blues-my-journey-out-of-depression/
Remarkable Relationships program https://gettingnaked.com.au/remarkable-relationships/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit (and to join the mailing list): https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Just One Tree https://www.justonetree.life/ A percentage of profits from all programs sold go to the not-for-profit organisation Just One Tree, so they can plant trees on our behalf.
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Music written by Tamra Mercieca and Grey Milton. Performed by Xani Kolac and Grey Milton.

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Today we’re diving into into a topic that’s very close to my heart - literally. We’re talking about breast health.
Those beautiful, powerful extensions of our heart, and how they’re not just physical, but deeply emotional and spiritual. Because contrary to what you may have been led to believe, our breasts aren’t just there for function and form.
I like to think of breasts, like the heart’s megaphone; an external reminder of our ability to nurture, to be compassionate, and to radiate love into the world.
That’s why today on I Love Me the Podcast we explore how to give our breasts the care and attention they need, so we can tap into the wellspring of self-love that flows straight from our heart. And yes, that includes a conversation about the great ‘bra debate’.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.24 Heartfelt Wisdom. Tapping into the power of the heart-brain. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/08/14/ep-24-heartfelt-wisdom-tapping-into-the-power-of-the-heart-brain/
Yoga for the Vagina program: https://yogaforthevagina.com/
Sexual Self Course https://gettingnaked.com.au/sexual-self/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit (and to join the mailing list): https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Just One Tree https://www.justonetree.life/ A percentage of profits from all programs sold go to the not-for-profit organisation Just One Tree, so they can plant trees on our behalf.
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Music written by Tamra Mercieca and Grey Milton. Performed by Xani Kolac and Grey Milton.

Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Wednesday Feb 26, 2025
Today we’re rolling up our sleeves and getting hands-on with the ultimate self-care practice: Self-massage.
Now before you start thinking, ‘Oh, I can just pay someone else to give me a massage’ or ask my partner, we don’t want to get in the habit of outsourcing our self-love. While I certainly do enjoy receiving a massage from a professional or my husband occasionally, there is so much healing we can experience, through the touch of our very own hands.
Because here’s the thing… Our body isn’t just a vessel getting us from A to B. Our body is our best friend. Our home.
And what better way to say ‘thank you’ to all that our body does for us day-in day-out, than to show it some tender, loving care with a DIY massage! Not only does it feel AMAZING, but it’s a powerful way to connect with our inner self, instigate deep healing within our cells, and help repair our fragmented relationship with our body.
So without further ado, I invite you to join me on I Love Me The Podcast, so you learn how to offer yourself the loving touch you so very much deserve.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.6 Powerless to powerful: The gift of anger. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/03/13/ep-6-powerless-to-powerful-the-gift-of-anger/
Ep.39 When little Miss Fear drops round for a cuppa. https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/11/27/ep-39-when-little-miss-fear-drops-round-for-a-cuppa/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit (and to join the mailing list): https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Just One Tree https://www.justonetree.life/ A percentage of profits from all programs sold go to the not-for-profit organisation Just One Tree, so they can plant trees on our behalf.
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Music written by Tamra Mercieca and Grey Milton. Performed by Xani Kolac and Grey Milton.

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
I’d like to invite you to sit with this question….
How is your relationship with food?
If you’ve ever felt trapped in a cycle of guilt or shame or frustration around what you eat or how much you eat - you’re not alone. With all the conflicting food advice, and pressures to look a certain way, eating has become smothered in all kinds of harmful emotions, that trigger off unhealthy eating habits.
That’s why today, on I Love Me the Podcast, I share a deeply personal chapter of my life - how I overcame binge eating and reclaimed my relationship with food. But more importantly, how I reclaimed my relationship with myself.
Yes today, we peel back the layers on why people have difficult relationships with food, so if this is you, you can stop relying on willpower and self-control… And instead, learn how to create a sustainable, loving connection with your body, and what you put in it!
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.3 Fill yourself up with love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/21/ep-3-fill-yourself-up-with-love-your-go-to-self-love-tool/
Ep.2 Programmed for love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/14/e2-programmed-for-love/
One-on-One Intensive https://gettingnaked.com.au/intensive/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit (and to join the mailing list): https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Just One Tree https://www.justonetree.life/ A percentage of profits from all programs sold go to the not-for-profit organisation Just One Tree, so they can plant trees on our behalf.
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Music written by Tamra Mercieca and Grey Milton. Performed by Xani Kolac and Grey Milton.

Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Wednesday Feb 12, 2025
Can I let you in on a little secret? You don’t need to ADD more to your already full plate, to enjoy the magic of self-love. You don’t need to journal each day, take bubble baths every other night or spend hours in meditation… unless of course you want too…
Instead, you can sprinkle love into what you ALREADY do each day. Whether it’s your morning cuppa tea, folding the laundry, or that five minutes stuck in traffic, you can turn the ordinary, into opportunities for love and connection. So you can grow your love for yourself, one mundane activity at a time!
If you’re someone whose struggled to fit self-love into your busy lifestyle, or you simply want to know how to infuse your whole life with a little more love… So you can expand beyond your current self-love practices…
Then grab a cuppa tea, settle in…. or listen to this episode on the go… Whatever works… Because today on I Love Me the Podcast, you’ll be learning how to turn your daily routine into a self-love ‘immersion’.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.29 Could practising gratitude make you a happier person? https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/09/18/ep-29-could-practising-gratitude-make-you-a-happier-person/
Ep.3 Fill yourself up with love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/21/ep-3-fill-yourself-up-with-love-your-go-to-self-love-tool/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit (and to join the mailing list): https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Just One Tree https://www.justonetree.life/ A percentage of profits from all programs sold go to the not-for-profit organisation Just One Tree, so they can plant trees on our behalf.
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/
Music written by Tamra Mercieca and Grey Milton. Performed by Xani Kolac and Grey Milton.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
If there’s one thing that gets in the way of people actively engaging in self-love, it’s time. Or a lack there of.
It’s very common for people to use ‘not having enough time’ as a reason to NOT do the things they want or need, to live happy and fulfilling lives. We get so caught up in the hustle and bustle, essentially mimicking a hamster on a never ending wheel of to-do lists…
What’s the first thing people neglect? Themselves. The very self-care that’s essential to one’s survival. Yes, self-love isn’t just some luxury, self-love is necessary to living well.
Today on I Love Me The Podcast - our final episode for the year - we explore how to overcome this issue of not having enough time for self-love. That way you can put YOU and YOUR needs centre stage as you head into 2025.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.12 How dating myself led to my Prince! https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/04/24/ep-12-how-dating-myself-led-me-to-my-prince/
Ep.3 Fill yourself up with love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/21/ep-3-fill-yourself-up-with-love-your-go-to-self-love-tool/
The Way of Self-Love course https://gettingnaked.com.au/the-way-of-self-love/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit (and to join the mailing list): https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/

Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Imagine your mind, for a moment, as a busy street… with thoughts zooming by like cars on a 6-lane highway. Some cars drive past multiple times a day, maybe even multiple times per minute… while others run into us at full speed, knocking us into a state of emotional turmoil, reactivity and anxiety.
These cars represent our thoughts, emotions and programmed beliefs; they clutter up our mind and get in the way of us enjoying life.
But what if we could slow down the traffic? What if we would notice these cars driving by, without them blowing fumes in our face?
Today on I Love Me The Podcast, we learn how meditation can offer us a beautiful way of observing this mental traffic, without getting dragged along for the ride.
If you’re struggling with a busy mind and are ready to stop chasing cars so you can embrace the serenity of the present moment, then sit back and relax, so we can go on this journey, together.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Yoga for the Vagina program: https://yogaforthevagina.com/
The Way of Self-Love course https://gettingnaked.com.au/the-way-of-self-love/
Ep.2 Programmed for love https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/02/14/e2-programmed-for-love/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit (and to join the mailing list): https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/

Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
We all feel fear. It’s a primal emotion, that’s deeply ingrained in human evolution, essential for our survival in the face of danger.
But what happens when we experience prolonged states of fear? When we let fear invade our lives multiple times per day?
Today on I Love Me The Podcast, we learn how to love away our fear, so it doesn’t cripple our immune system and get in the way of us living healthy, happy lives.
Yes, today we dive into the physical mechanics of fear, and why it’s absolutely vital for not only our mental health but our physical health, to learn how to work with fear, so it doesn’t make us sick.
Take a peek at the full episode show notes (and resources I refer to in the show) here:
About me…
My name is Tamra Mercieca and I’ve been studying and teaching self-love worldwide for 20+ years now. In 2011 I launched my online school Getting Naked where I offer programs to help people strip off the stories and childhood conditioning, so they can fall in love with themselves.
While I go by many labels - mumma, wife, tea lover, drummer - professionally I’m known as a Self-Love Therapist, Writer and Women’s Pelvic Health Guide, qualified in over a dozen physical and mental health modalities. I’m the author of two books, have been published in dozens of print and online publications, appeared on TV many times, and love to share the teachings of self-love at yoga and spirituality festivals.
Personally, my journey began when I worked out how to overcome suicidal depression and anxiety (and get off my meds). I then went on to create a ten-session program where I now help others do the same. If you’d like to read my full love story and bio - including all my credentials - head to https://gettingnaked.com.au/tamra/
Ep.30 When little Miss Fear drops round for a cuppa.
Ep.29 Could practising gratitude make you a happier person? https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/09/18/ep-29-could-practising-gratitude-make-you-a-happier-person/
Ep.33 Could laughter be the medicine you need right now? https://gettingnaked.com.au/2024/10/16/could-laughter-be-the-medicine-you-need-right-now/
Self-Love Starter’s Kit: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Website: https://gettingnaked.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gettingnaked/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RelationshipQueen/